Tuesday 11 August 2015

That Sugar Girl?

Today I watched an incredibly empowering documentary. Over the course of the past few years I have seen many that have spoken to me on varying levels. But this one particularly, answered so many subconscious questions I never knew I had.

That Sugar Film (2015), written and directed by Damon Gameau is both entertaining and intriguing. It shows honest insight into the effects of sugar in the diet, and how the food industries sneak this little bad boy into literally EVERYTHING!

It reminds me somewhat of that Super-size Me doco, in the sense that Damon tries out a diet comprised of high sugar levels, but not of the typical junk food and fast food however. He lives of those foods that tend to trick us into thinking they are healthy but actually are hiding those sneaky fructose sugars; the ones we don't want!

I have always had a sweet tooth and have long been trying to get back into shape as I near the end of my Uni degree.  Not that I'm overweight, I'd consider myself slim still, but nonetheless I want to eliminate anything I don't need in my body in order to improve my lifestyle and improve body confidence. Sugar has always been a dominating thing in my life, and I have tried to quit junk food numerous times. So by quitting sugar altogether and avoiding the sneaky "stealthy sugars" that reinforce those sugar cravings, I hope to be able to finally achieve this massive feat!

As of right NOW, I will begin a journey to QUIT SUGAR and I hope you join me in this! I am not a nutritionist, nor a medical expert but I believe some good research and hopefully some support (?) can help me out and get me there! Lets see what happens...

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